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N O N P R O F I T   S E R V I C E S

Young, Black & Widowed Inc.®

Our Daily Peer Support Line provides a confidential, non-judgmental safe space for widow(er)s, those whose partners passed before marriage, the soon to be widowed with spouses on hospice, as well as re-partnered widow(er)s. Our team understands that everyone's journey is unique, so we tailor your experience by researching and connecting you to resources within your city worldwide. Call us today to speak with one of our compassionate volunteers about immediate post-mortem challenges, general "What Do I Do Now?" widowhood questions, inquires about connection to our peer support groups or many other programs and even, for those living in the Chattanooga, Tenessee area, voluntary connection to crisis intervention. We're available, especially on holidays, from 10AM - 10PM EST.

At our nonprofit, we take pride in our peer support group program, which operates multiple weekly support groups across several time zones worldwide. We invite you to join us, and bring your full-self to discover the benefits of being a part of our supportive, inclusive, empathetic and lively community. Expect a relaxed, "REAL" interactive conversational experience with widow(er)s sharing life experiences similar to yours. No topic is off topic, as current events all affect Black Mental Health.

Looking for more support in addition to our grief support groups? Book a 1:1 grief coaching session with NAACP award-winning Global Nonprofit Founding Director, Certified Grief Coach, Author, Forward Writer and International Speaker of Young, Black & Widowed®, Azurae Johnson Redmond.

Our resource blog contains personal accounts of widow(er)s and informational checklists that we are happy to review with you over the phone on our daily peer support line. Popular subjects include: Immediate Port-Mortem & Funeral Checklist, Widowed Health Insurance, Survivor Benefits Checklist, Parenting in Widowhood and Young, Widowed Dating.

​On our podcast, the extension of our community, we discuss listener-submitted issues that affect the Black widow(er) community with seasoned and newly widowed widow(er)s, mental health professionals, estate planners, widow life coaches and artists from around the world.

The "Matthew Holt Redmond International Memorial Scholarship" celebrates black academic excellence in times of immense tragedy and supports widowed solo-parents as they restart their lives and rebuild financial stability for generations to come.

For locals, the child-led 'Kiddos of the Widowed' Play Group meets weekly at local tourist attractions like the Creative Discovery Museum, Tennessee Aquarium, as well as Scenic City community events like Juneteenth festivities. The 'Kiddos of the Widowed' love 'playground hopping' across the Greater Chattanooga, Tennessee area. These play dates indirectly support the widowed by providing extra sets of watchful eyes for those that need support navigating preschool and elementary-aged outings as first time solo-parents.

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Young,Black & Widowed inc es una organizacion progresiva sin fines de lucro 501 (c)3, ademas de un podcast, los cuales conectan viudos Millenials y Generacion Z de color a una linea de soporte uno a uno diariamente, recursos para el duelo, becas y profesionales en su ciudad de origen, a lo largo de los Estados Unidos.

501(c)3 · EIN: 85-3333796  


CALL NOW   (423)  401 - 9274


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